What I ate today - Day 5

Hi guys! Only 2 days left of my raw vegan detox! Today was a day with a pretty packed schedule so I didn't really have time to even think about food! And usually during those days I just make some smoothies and juices to have on the run or while I'm working.

Breakfast - green juice

So, I knew that it was going to be a busy day today so I started with to big glasses of green juice to really fuel up! <3

In the juice: Sunflower sprouts, pea shoots, kale, cucumber, celery, lemon and ginger.

Lunch - pineapple & turmeric smoothie bowl

I had a super yummy smoothie bowl for lunch. Smoothie with: Pineapple, bananas, turmeric & mesquite. At first I served it the pineapple but as I usually do, I get all exited about presentation but end up having it in a regular bowl anyway. :P

So this is how it actually looks when I'm about to eat. Haha, just thrown in a bowl and overly packed with toppings!

Dinner - Green romaine smoothie

The liquid meals continued! I had two big glasses of green smoothie again in the afternoon. The smoothie was pretty simple: banana, romaine lettuce, and coconut water...

Snacks - Frozen banana with raw chocolate

In the evening I went over to a friend who was having a big birthday party for her super cute and lovely daughter, she's tuning 9. I had a few snacks here and there. Luckily for me she was throwing a raw vegan party with lots of fruit, raw cake, banana on a stick, raw bites and so on... It really warms my heart to see all the kids running around, playing and snacking on fruits instead of chips and candies. I feel so lucky to have friends that are really teaching and showing their kids this healthy way of life! <3 The kids are our future!

I'll be posting again on Sunday. Then I'll show you what I ate day 6 and 7. I really hope you've enjoyed this week as much as I have. Tomorrow I'll be starting a 30 day wheat grass challenge! Haha, that hasn't gone too well for me in the past so wish me luck! :P

Have a lovely weekend! <3